Hey Lady!

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I’m glad you’re here, if you’ve stuck around we must have a few things in common.

A few things about me is:

Im hopelessly unaesthetic, seriously, even when I try I just cannot, I wasn’t made for this modern perfect lifestyle. I need SIMPLE.

Im a personal trainer, and have been since 2017. Ive been online coaching for 7 years now and love helping woman find that aha moment of OH I can eat carbs and get off the treadmill!?! Yes ma’am!

I am a new mom, to a beautiful little girl she ahs been a big part of accepting the simple is better life! Becoming a mom has rewired my brain!

Before that I was just a dog mama. #LabLife

My form of therapy is making stuff with my hands, love a good craft, and drinks with the girls.

Can you relate???