6 Tips To Help You Stay On Track During The Holidays

You can enjoy the holidays while staying on track with your goals by following these easy tips this holiday season!

If you’re thinking that i’m going to tell you to cut out carbs and not eat any pie at your thanksgiving dinner, let me stop you right there. That is not the only way to stay on track during the holidays, not even close!

Following a diet and workout plan during the holidays is tricky, but it can be done. Your diet CAN and SHOULD be flexible enough to allow you to enjoy the holiday season without feeling like you’re missing out!

I want to give you a few tips to help you stay on track during the holidays.

We all know (maybe deep down) that it isn’t one piece of pie making us gain all of this weight, and it’s not 2 christmas cookies that made us gain 20lbs last year. We all know its a combination of things! So to stop that weight gain in its tracks we need to eliminate that “combination of things” by using these 5 tips below:

Tip #1 Eat the holiday cookie

You need to allow yourself the cookie, because we all know what happens if we don’t.. We sit there all day thinking about that damn cookie. We stick to the veggie platter all day, then it’s evening time, it’s dark out, your cozied up on the couch watching your favorite christmas movie, and what do you do? You head to the kitchen and eat 5 of those cookies you’ve been craving all day! So now instead of just one from earlier, you’ve eaten 5. You see the big picture here right?

Stay On Track During The Holidays: Eat the cookie!

Tip #2 Meal prep to stay on track

And I don’t mean meal prep your actual holiday dinner. But meal prep around the big meal! Set yourself up for success around those meals. Knowing that you ate well and stayed on track will ease your mind when you go into your thanksgiving dinner. You should be able to enjoy the mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie without having those negative thoughts in the back of your mind.

Tip #3 Drink Your Water

It’s so simple. But so easy NOT to do. Seriously chug that water when you can, this will help your body stay regular and keep your digestion tip top! Nothing is more motivating to drink your water than a new water bottle, my current fave is the HydroJug Traveler! This thing seriously goes everywhere with me. Ive been able to increase my water intake from 1 to 3 a day minimum!

Stay On Track During The Holidays: Getting a new water bottle will motivate you to drink your water!

Tip #4: Be aware of your holiday portions

The key to any successful diet is being able to stick to it long term. So this may mean just watch those portions! Instead of taking 3 scoops of mac and cheese, maybe we only take 1. And then if we decide once we finish dinner that we aren’t busting at the seams, then we can go back for more. Because hey it is a holiday 😉 

Tip #5: Schedule your workouts

You schedule everything else during the holidays, so why not schedule your exercise time? Blocking off 30 minutes for a workout will most likely be the only reason you get your workout in. We all know how busy and hectic the holidays are, with family coming to town, or having to travel to 3 different places for 3 different events. Setting that time aside for yourself will be a game changer! Don’t cancel a date with yourself!

Tip #6: Be realistic with yourself when it comes to staying on track

A couple days in the grand scheme of things is NOT going to set you back. The important thing to keep in mind is to not to take it to the max, don’t have 10 cookies because they’re there, and, don’t stuff yourself till you feel ill just because there are too many options. Let yourself enjoy the holiday treats but be realistic! You know when you’re doing too much.

Staying on track during the holidays can be made simple.

A successful diet allows you to eat a couple cookies, because a successful diet needs to be something you can adhere to long term. Short term aggressive diets, may get you results, but you’ll probably find that the weight comes right back as soon as you get off the diet. Enjoy the holidays because we only get so many! A the end of the day a couple days off track will not be the end of your diet unless you decide it is. Stay on track enjoy your day, then get back on track the next day!

Stay On Track During The Holidays: Enjoy time with your family and friends during the holidays.

Remember that good things take time! Have a great holiday season!

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